Hotel Booking Engine & CRS
Hotel Booking Engine
GuestCentric's hotel booking engine is the ultimate solution, from boutique independent hotels to large casinos like Chumash. Our fully customizable online booking engine is designed to optimize every step of your guests' direct booking experience. With just one screen, our booking engine provides endless possibilities for guests to browse rates, availabilities, and special offers, and easily convert into direct business for your hotel.
Our booking engine also includes upselling applications to boost your revenue and a comprehensive hotel central reservation system -CRS- for efficient management of your reservations.
All clicks lead to Direct Reservations
WYSIWYG Content Editor
Automatic SEO for Hotels
- Smart Schema Markup for search engines to better understand your hotel website
- Property name frequently used in page elements
- Keyword-optimized alt text in files and images
- Sitemap.xml optimized for multiple devices and languages
What Our Customers Think:
Integrated Hotel Booking Engine
- Automatic rates
- Automatic pages
- Shopping widgets
Integrate with Upselling Applications
Time to Switch?
GuestCentric can offer you:
√ Customized Onboarding and Setup
√ Awesome support team with 95% Satisfaction Score
√ Turn-Key Product Delivery By Digital & Hotel Specialists
√ One Centralized Interface To Manage Your Website, Reservations & Inventory